Erwin Soeyanto | Expanding Your Personal Comfort Zone: Try These 6 Things!

 Erwin Soeyanto | Escaping one's personal, comfort zone, must become, far - more, than empty rhetoric, but, rather, create, proactive behavior, and focusing, on doing better, and more, rather, than seeking, simply, a path, of least resistance! When, was the last time, you took the time, and made the effort, to pay attention, to this key set of details, and address, them, proactively, etc? Many people talk about this, but, few, actually, do anything, to change this behavior! With, that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 6 things, which are helpful, in making yourself, stronger, better, and the best, you can be, instead of settling for the same - old, same - old, etc!


1. Check - up, from the neck - up: How can anyone make any positive changes, unless/ until, he first, identifies, and realizes, his personal strengths, and weaknesses? In, my four decades, of conducting, personal development seminars, and consultations, I often, suggest, beginning, with a commitment to, doing, a thorough, objective, introspective, check - up, from the neck - up!

2. Your personal goals, priorities, perceptions: You won't get better, or happier, unless/ until, you realize, you must customize your approach, because, when it comes to our needs, there is no such thing, as one - size - fits - all! Why are your goals, priorities, and perceptions, important to you, and what, should you do, to expand your personal comfort zone, etc?

3. Discipline and commitment: It takes considerable, discipline, and personal commitment, to thoroughly, do these things, which might make you happier, etc! It takes consistency, and a willingness, to make certain personal changes, when indicated, rather than focusing on your personal comfort, etc!

4. Persistence: You can't expand the limits of your restrictive, comfort zone, unless/ until, you proceed, with, exceptional, persistence! How can anyone, make any meaningful changes, unless, he proceeds, this way?

5. Personal securities/ insecurities: Why do so many, resort to procrastination, and/ or, denials, when/ if, they rarely, if, ever, are productive, and/ or, helpful? Most say, it is because, of, fear of failure, but, often, it is other factors, such as taking the so - called, perceived, easier course, and/ or, fear of success, because, one is concerned, he will raise expectations, etc! Know, understand, and address, your personal areas of security, and your insecurities, and proceed, forward, in your own, best interests!

6. Erwin Soeyanto | Think outside - the - box: Don't run - away, from expanding your comfort zone, because, you believe, you won't succeed! Go beyond, merely, the same - old, same - old, and think, outside - the - box, to search for ways to achieve and succeed, instead of only, focusing, on why you might not!


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